Christmas Cactus

I’d like to say I did something special to get my Christmas cactus to bloom so full this year but I didn’t. In fact I only occasionally remembered to water it. But I started noticing buds on it around Thanksgiving and it’s bloomed nicely in the last couple weeks. I don’t remember it blooming at all last year.

Christmas Cactus

Merry Christmas!

Here on a Christmas Eve morning I’ve got my latte in hand and some Vince Guaraldi Christmas’y tunes streaming thru Pandora. A nice way to start the Christmas weekend. Thought you might like to see the picture of the Zilker Christmas tree I took last night as I left the office. You can read all about the “tree” at the link. Of course, the city doesn’t actually call it a Christmas tree, just a tree. But then they only light it at Christmas time. It’s not actually a tree of course. It’s just a bunch of wires strung in the shape of a tree. But it’s 155 ft tall and from a distance it sure looks like a Christmas tree doesn’t it.

I took this from the top of the parking garage next to the office. Five floors up, you can get a pretty good view of the city up there. The lens I used is slightly telephoto, but not much. And I cropped the picture to the interesting part. The tree’s been a sight to stop a moment and gaze at in recent weeks before hopping in the car for the drive home.

Zilker tree, Austin

Eve of Winter

Here on the last day of fall I got out and about the neighborhood and snapped a shot of a couple showy Pear trees. This is about as good as fall color gets around here. This is probably either Bradford pear trees or Aristocrat pear trees. It probably won’t last long and we get so little of it that I can’t help take a picture or two.

I think we had better color a couple years ago, but it was nice to see these.

Texas Fall Color